
Wednesday, April 8, 2015


‎‎Pesach commemorates the miraculous event of Hashem taking us out of Egypt. We are commanded to remember this event on a daily basis but especially on Pesach by relating all that happened to us, especially the plagues that were brought on the Egyptians. When Hashem commands Moshe to go warn Pharaoh about the plague of ערב , the wild animals, he says והפליתי ביום ההוא את ארץ גשן , and on that day I shall distinguish the land of Goshen, אשר עמי עמד עליה, upon which My people stand,  לבלתי היות שם ערב למען תדע כי אני ה' בקרב הארץ  that there shall be no mixture of wild beasts there; so that you will know that I am Hashem in the midst of the land.

The אוצרות התורה הגדה asks why the differentiation by this plague?  Why was it important for Moshe to stress that this plague wouldn't be in the land of Goshen? After all, the other plagues didn't occur in Goshen either. Also, why, specifically by this plague, does it say    למען תדע כי אני ה' בקרב הארץ  so that you will know that I am Hashem in the midst of the land?  Couldn’t they tell that Hashem was in charge by any of the other plagues, too?

The Ramban explains that the previous plagues were considered עומדות.  It wasn't in their nature to go roaming from city to city.  However, the wild beasts do have the nature to roam from city to city.  Therefore, it was obvious that when they stopped at Goshen it was because Hashem was distinguishing between the land of Goshen - the Jewish land - & the land of Egypt. 

‎The ספר תפארת ציון says that this demonstrates Hashem's control on every minute thing, for even when Hashem is sending out a plague on the whole country, the plague does not have the power to destroy haphazardly. Rather, it will affect only those on whom there was a decree. ‎That's why the Torah states by this plague:  למען תדע כי אני ה' בקרב הארץ ,  so that you will know that I am Hashem in the midst of the land.  By highlighting the anomaly that wild beasts who were allowed to roam & destroy the land would suddenly stop when they hit the land of Goshen, shows Hashem's ability to pinpoint exactly whom He wants to hit. 

What's the secret to ensure protection from getting hit? What can we do to get on the side of Hashem's blessing instead of the destructive side?

In Hallel, we say ה' זכרנו יברך , Hashem who has remembered us, will bless הקטנים עם הגדולים , the small as well as the great. The ספר פרי חיים , explains this with a parable.  A man is standing outside on a really hot day, parched & thirsty begging the passers-by   for a drink. He holds up an empty cup imploring someone to give him a drink. Finally, a kind person comes by & pours water into his cup. Alas! The cup has no bottom & the water just pours out... ה' זכרנו יברך , Hashem wants to pour us unlimited blessing; however, we need to have a whole cup to accept it. How do we get that cup? The gemara tells us לא מצא הקבה כלי מחזיק ברכה אלא שלם , there is no better cup that Hashem has found to accept blessing besides peace. So if we want to be able to accept Hashem's blessings, we have to be הקטנים עם הגדולים, all people treated equally, all united in one group. Then, as the paragraph continues, יסף ה' עליכם, Hashem will increase all the blessings.

Perhaps, we could take this lesson of Pesach with us to know that even the smallest of our problems is directly intended for us and no one else, by Hashem. Then, instead of blaming someone else for our troubles causing arguments, we would understand that it has nothing to do with anyone else. Then, we would try to make peace with people and be worthy of Hashem's blessing. He would then provide us with the cup needed to accept them making this world a more peaceful place & ensuring that we won't be lacking!  

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