
Friday, February 20, 2015


‎‎The command to build the Mishkan states: ועשו לי מקדש ושכנתי בתוכם , they shall make Me a Sanctuary so that I may dwell among them. 

‎There are two interesting points. First, why does the Torah state make me a Mikdash & then goes on to describe to us the making of the Mishkan?  Shouldn't it have been consistent and said make Me a Mishkan? Second, why does it say I will dwell among them; shouldn't it say I will dwell in it?

Chazal explains that the words, I will dwell among them, refers to the people, not the building.  The Torah is telling us that Hashem will dwell in each & every one of us. That's also why it uses the word Mikdash, which translates as “holy”; for as long as we sanctify a portion of ourselves, leaving a place for Hashem to dwell, then He will be a part of us.  

‎The Midrash tells us that when Hashem told Moshe to make him a sanctuary, Moshe was terrified for he felt how could we make a home suitable for Hashem? Hashem calmed him saying I don't want you to do anything based on My standards, rather just do according to your abilities. 

Reb Yeruchim from the Mir explained that Moshe’s wonderment was how could the magnificence of Hashem be confined to such a small place? Hashem's answer was that I will dwell in even the smallest space, if it's worthy. One shouldn't say I'm like withered wood unworthy of Hashem's presence. Rather any person can merit to have the Shechina rest on him. 

So what can we do to merit that the Shechina, Hashem’s glory, would rest on us?

The Chafetz Chaim uses this Midrash to demonstrate that Hashem only wants from us what we are capable of doing. He only wants us to do what we can.  He’s not expecting regular people to suddenly become the biggest tzadikkim.  Rather, He wants us to serve Him to the best of our ability. each person in his own unique way. 
One of Reb Yisroel Salant's students once said to him "if only I had the Midos of Rebbi & the heart of this rabbi & the brain of that rabbi then I would be able to accomplish & become great like them. Reb Yisroel said to him, “no, you have to succeed with your brain, with your heart & with your Midos to have the Shechina rest on you. It’s with your talents & no one else's that you will accomplish.” 

However, this is not a free pass to just sit back & say this is all I can do, without really trying. Reb Tarfon says, “great is work " for Hashem would not rest His Shechina on the Jewish people  until they did the work. As it says ועשו לי מקדש, make for me a Sanctuary, do the work & then ושכנתי בתוכם, I will dwell amongst you. First, you have to do the work; then I will come. 

So, too, with us; if we want to have Hashem dwell with us, then we can't just sit back & say this is who I am. First, one must do the work, try hard to make within each day of one’s life a place for Hashem. 

When one does whatever he can do, regardless of capabilities, as long as he gives it his all, he too will merit to have Hashem Himself dwell with him!   

Thanks! Yitzy

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