
Friday, September 2, 2011


The posuk says לא תסור מן הדבר אשר יגידו לך ימין ושמאל; you shall not turn from the word that they will tell you, right or left.
Rashi says even if the חכמים tell you that right is left and left is right you still have to listen. שפתי חכמים explains that to mean that even if it appears to you that what they're telling you is the opposite of what you think, you still must listen.
The חתם סופר asks, why does it use the analogy of left and right as opposed to a different comparison, like light & dark?
He says that just like by Yaakov, when he put his left hand on Menashe instead of Efraim, when Yosef asked him about it he had a good reason for doing it. We see that even when our Rabbis tell us something that in our minds look like it's switching right to left, there's good reason. This is exemplified by the following story. When ר' יצחק זאב סולוביצ'יק first became Rav of Brisk, a delegation came from the army to his shul on Rosh Hashana to ask the rabbi to come with them in order to say וידוי with a jewish prisoner who was condemned to die. It was the law of the land that they couldn't kill a prisoner before they read him his last rites. However, when they got there the Rav was saying שמונה עשרה, so they said they would come back later. When the Rav finished his tefila the people told him what had transpired, and he decided that he wouldn't go. When they heard that the Rav wouldn't go, they began to protest & even spoke up and said that he's endangering all of them, but to no avail. When the delegation from the army came back it was in middle of musaf. The rabbi was davening & sensed that they were there, so he stayed in that stance for a long time so they wouldn't bother him. The people had no patience, so one of the older members said he was the Rav and went with them. He read the prisoner his last rites, who was then was taken out & killed. After davening, officers came to the Rav's house in a panic. The Rav's family was frantic thinking that they came to lock him up for not going, until it became clear that these officers were from another town coming to see if the Rav had gone to the prisoner. They wanted to catch up to him, for it came to light that the man was really innocent & didn't deserve to be killed. Quickly, it became clear what had happened, and the man who thought he was so smart & listened to the people, going against the Rav, caused the death of an innocent man. הרב איסר זלמן מלצר gives us a different perspective on why the Torah used right & left as opposed to light & dark. Light & dark are hard to mix up, but left and right are easy to mix up. If you stand opposite someone, each one says the right is on the other side. Therefore, chazal used the terminology of left & right because you can't see what the rabbi sees because you're standing in a different place than him. If you would be on his level & understand what he does, then your right would also be like his. So let's take this lesson & strengthen our אמונת חכמים, knowing that when we listen we will come to no harm!

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