
Friday, March 17, 2017

T'tzaveh purim

Our parsha continues with more of the items needed for the mishkan and the making of the clothes for the kohanim. However where normally the posuk says וידבר ה אל משה, Hashem spoke to Moshe, here it says ואתה תצוה, you command, and doesn't mention Moshe's name in the entire parsha. The בעל הטורים says that this is the only parsha since Moshe was born that he's not mentioned. The reason he gives is that when after the sin of the golden calf and Hashem didn't want to forgive the Jews , Moshe said מחני נא מספרת אשר כתבת erase me please from the book that You wrote. And even though Hashem ended up forgiving them we have a rule that when a righteous person says a curse even if it's on condition it's fulfilled. Therefore Moshe's name was taken out of this parsha to fulfill that curse.

The Vilna Goan explains why this parsha was chosen to be the one where Moshe's name was taken out, because it almost always falls out right around the seventh day of Adar when Moshe was physically erased from the land of the living so it's from this parsha that his name is erased as well. However continues the Goan, even though Moshe's name isn't stated explicitly there is an allusion to his name. As we know the letters in Moshe's name are משה, now when you spell out each letter the מ, is מם the ש is שין and the ה is הא, the letters that we see are called the revealed letters while the other letters are called the hidden letters . If you take the hidden letters and add up their numerical value it's 101 and the parsha has 101 pesukim in it alluding to the hidden letters in Moshe's name to show that he's there just hidden.

Another place where we have no mention of a name and we say it's alluded to is the megillah. We know that Hashem's name isn't mentioned at all in the megillah yet we know that it was Hashem who was orchestrating the events , they say that every time it says המלך it's referring to Hashem. The Mishnah says that the megillah can be read on the 11th 12th 13th 14th and 15th day of Adar not less and not more. Rashi explains not before the 11th and not after the 15th. Asks the טורי אבן Why does it say not less and more once it stated the exact days you can read the megilla we know not before or after?

The sefer ברית כהונת עולם says as follows. We know that there are two ways Hashem runs the world one is when He runs the world openly and that's run with the name הוי”ה and then when He runs the world hidden, when His presence is concealed and that's run with the name אדנ”י. Now if you add up the value of the days the Mishnah says you can read the megillah which were י”א , י”ב ,י”ג, י”ד, ט”ו they add up to 65 if you add up the value of the letters of אדנ”י it equals 65 to show us that the reading of the megillah that happened with Hashem concealing Himself shows us that whenever Hashem runs the world when He is concealed like nowadays we should know that He is still there behind the scenes. And what's the number less than י”א it's י and the number more than ט”ו is ט”ז if you add them together you get 26 the exact number of the name הוי”ה to reiterate that the megillah is not at a time when Hashem is revealed and to learn to trust that He is nevertheless controlling everything no matter how it appears to us. I heard a story about the Tosher Rebbi, who had a long line of people waiting to speak to him. There was a poor man on the line who had been waiting for hours and it was almost his turn when a rich man came in and the Rebbi called him in almost immediately. The poor man was upset he thought to himself not only am i poor and have to come here to the Rebbi to ask for a handout i don't even get any respect here i'm pushed aside because someone has more money that me? When he finally got in to see the Rebbi he told him of all his problems and voiced his complaint that even here he's trampled on, the Rebbi smiled and gave him an envelope. He left and as he was going he saw the rich man who offered him a ride home. As they are going the poor man opens the envelope to see what's inside and the rich man looks over and sees that that's the envelope that he gave the Rebbi and it was never opened! He turns around and they go back into the Rebbi the rich man says you never even opened my envelope? You don't know how much is gave you? The Rebbi answered why do I need to know it's the poor man that needs to know, the money was for him. Only then did the poor man realize why the Rebbi let the rich man in before him it was only for his benefit so that the Rebbi would have the money to give him.

This is the lesson of the megillah to show us that Hashem is controlling everything behind the scenes and that even though sometimes what He does seems that it's unfair and not good for us we have to know that it's all done just for us and it's what's best! 

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