
Friday, August 15, 2014


Our Parsha opens with the words והיה עקב תשמעון את המשפטים האלה , and it will be because of your listening to these ordinances.

Then, the Posuk goes on to list all the good things that will happen to you for listening: Hashem will safeguard you & bless you, multiply you, bless your produce & wine and all will be good in the land.

Rashi explains that the use of the word עקב instead of the word אם teaches us that this promise of tranquility is for listening to the relatively light commandments that one tends to trample on with the heel.

 The Zekan Aharon explains that Rashi is referring to a time period when Mitzvos are trampled upon. If, in a time period where the masses reject Torah & Mitzvos,  you take it upon yourself to observe them, you will be greatly rewarded.  

This describes the time period we live in. To accurately understand this, the Maggid of Kozhnitz cites a parable. There was once a rebellion in a kingdom which caused the king to sink into a deep depression. He was at the brink of losing everything. Then, a small group of subjects arose & promised to remain loyal to the king no matter what happens. Through thick & thin, they would be there for him. Even though this was a relatively small group; compared to normal times, the king wouldn’t have even paid attention to it. Now, however, when most of the kingdom was in rebellion, it meant the world to the king & helped revive his spirits, invigorate him & strengthen his resolve to save his kingdom.

The Nesivos Shalom continues this thought by saying that in our times we must assume a similar role. Because the vast majority of people have somewhat rebelled against Hashem, we, the faithful, must make a firm commitment to be His loyal soldiers until the very end. Our job is not to fight the rebels or put down the rebellion, rather to strengthen ourselves to insure that the inner circle is strong.

How do we do this? What's the secret to making sure we stay strong & don't join the rebellion?

The בעש"ט has a different explanation of the use of the word “עקב”. He says that it’s telling you that every mitzva that you do should be done as if it’s the last mitzva you will ever do. The עקב is at the end , so treat every mitzva like it’s the last one & then it will be done with the utmost purity, only for the sake of heaven.

If we could follow the advice of the בעש"ט to treat every Mitzva like it’s our last one & also follow Rashi’s advice to be careful of the little mitzvos, the ones that we think are unimportant, then we will assure ourselves that we will remain steadfast in our pivotal role of being a faithful soldier to the ultimate King!

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