
Friday, May 17, 2013


The subject of the Sota, the unfaithful wife, is one of great significance in teaching us the importance of peace and harmony in the home.
Hashem's name which is never permitted to be erased or treated with disrespect, is now purposely erased in a cup of muddy water and given to the woman to drink.
Why would Hashem command us to specifically erase His name for this? Couldn't He do it in some other way?  
There's a fascinating Midrash that relates a story. Reb Meir was speaking one friday night in the Bais Medrish and there was a woman who stayed for the shir. The woman came home afterwards and it was very late and the candles were already out. Her husband asked her, where were you all this time? At Reb Meir's shir she replied. The enraged husband said to her, don't you step foot in this house until you go back there and spit in Reb Meir's face! Having no choice she made her way back to the beis medrish intending to daven.
Meanwhile אליהו הנביא came to Reb Meir and told him, because of you a woman was thrown out of her house and proceeded to tell him the whole story.
Reb Meir then went to the beis medrish and sat outside. As this woman walked by he asked her, do you know how to heal the eye? She answered no to which he said if you spit in my eye seven times it will heal it, so she did. He then told her go back home and tell her husband, you told me to spit in Reb Meir's face once and I did it seven times!  
When the students heard what happened they went to Reb Meir and said, rebbi how can you disgrace yourself like that? Had you told us we would have beaten him until he took her back!
Reb Meir answered, is my honor greater than the honor of Hashem Himself? Just as the name of Hashem is erased in order to make peace between husband and wife surely the honor of Meir can be compromised to make peace between husband and wife.  
The לב אליהו says the Torah is teaching us that in order to make peace between a man and his wife one must be willing to totally forego his honor and not even take into account בזיון התורה. Just like Hashem who could have found another way to check the Sota chose to have his name erased to show us when it comes to שלום בית we can't worry about our honor, rather do what you have to in order ensure peace.
The sefer אהבת תורה asks, why in the shemoneh esrei does the last brocha in the morning start with שים שלום establish peace, whereas in the evening shemoneh esrei the last brocha starts with שלום רב abundant peace? He answers that during the day when one is occupied with business, peace is necessary. However, to maintain a harmonious home peace is critical. Therefore before we go home at night we ask for abundant peace.   
We see how far Reb Meir went for someone else's שלום בית. How much more so should one be willing to go for his own. What can we do to ensure that we will have peace in our homes?  
The gemara says that one who davens needs to take three steps back and afterwards says, עשה שלום, the blessing of peace, teaching us that in order to accomplish peace we need to take a few steps back to see things clearly before dealing with issues that arise. If we daven for שלום בית and then take a few steps back when there is a problem we will be able to resist the urge to fight ensuring that we have peace and happiness in our lives!

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