
Friday, December 21, 2012


After the Torah tells us about Yaakov & all the families coming down to Mitzraim, the Posuk says וישב ישראל בארץ מצרים בארץ גשן , thus Israel settled in the land of Egypt, in the land of Goshen.

If you look at the wording of the posuk it seems superfluous. Asks רב משה פיינשטיין זצוק"ל why does it have to say בארץ מצרים? We already know from the previous pesukim that Goshen is in Mitzraim?

Earlier in the Parsha, prior to Yaakov agreeing to come down to Mitzraim, he sent Yehuda in advance to prepare the way. The Midrash debates why he sent him down. One rabbi says to set up a yeshiva for them to learn in while one says to set up a home for them to live in.

The עלינו לשבח asks, it's understandable why he would have to send him down to set up a yeshiva for there were none in Mitzraim. If the Jewish people were to live there, it was imperative that there be a yeshiva set up for them.
However, if the reason he sent him was just to set up a house, what was the emergency? Why couldn't they just move into Yosef's palace until their own place would be ready?

There was an old Jew who recited a story from his youth. It was during the time of World War I and many kids his age were leaving the Yeshiva to go to work. He also wanted to go with them but his father didn't want him to.

At that time, the חפץ חיים was living in their town & they agreed to go to him to ask what to do. Both presented their side of the story. The father said he didn't want him to go work because of the negative influences on the street & he didn't want him to get messed up. The son, for his part, said that his father himself goes to work on the street yet he hasn’t been negatively influenced so he wouldn't get messed up either.

The חפץ חיים turned to the young child, stated that we find one time in Tanach that it mentions a cruel bird called the בת יענה & inquired: do you know why we say that it’s cruel? He responded that this bird has a very strong stomach which is able to digest even glass. The mother bird believes that her kids can eat glass, too, so she feeds them glass without realizing that they are too young & tender to be able to handle it. The glass rips up their throats & they die.
So, too, said the חפץ חיים your father, who is older & more seasoned, can handle the outside world without becoming influenced but you, who are so young & impressionable, can be influenced negatively, so stay in yeshiva.

Similarly, answers the sefer באר יוסף , perhaps that’s the reason Yaakov didn't want to go live in Yosef's palace, even temporarily. Since Yosef was the ruler of Mitzraim, with dignitaries & diplomats regularly visiting, he was forced to have his palace befitting a ruler of Egypt with Egyptian decor while he and his family dressed in Egyptian garb. Yaakov didn't want the Egyptian ways, whether in dress, language or mannerisms to rub off on his family. Therefore, he had Yehuda go down in advance to prepare a Jewish home for his family.

This, too, is how רב משה explains the reason for the Torah stressing בארץ מצרים בארץ גשן to teach us that, even though we had to be exiled in Egypt, we still had to make sure that we wouldn't mingle with them. We stayed separate in Goshen in order not to learn from the ways of the Egyptians. The extra words of בארץ מצרים teaches us the importance of living in a good environment surrounded by other Jews, especially when we’re bringing up our children!

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