
Friday, November 30, 2012


As Yaakov is convincing Eisav to accept his gift,Yaakov says כי חנני אלקים וכי יש לי כל, take it, for 'ה has been gracious to me & I have everything.

Rashi explains יש לי כל, I have everything means that I have everything that I need. However, when Eisav spoke, he spoke haughtily saying יש לי רב, I have plenty, implying that he has much more than he needs.

The חפץ חיים says that these words outline their different outlooks on life. By saying יש לי רב, Eisav is saying that he has plenty but not הכל , not everything, he still wants more. However, Yaakov’s יש לי כל , means that he's not missing anything for he was happy with his lot & satisfied with whatever he had.

When הגר"ח מוולאז'ין learned the sefer תנא דבי אליהו, he found one verse very troubling: כי הקב"ה שמח בחלקו that 'ה is happy with his lot. What kind of lot does 'ה have to be happy with? The whole world is his! Since this bothered him for a long time, he went to see his rebbi in Vilna and asked him this question. The גאון answered him that we, עם ישראל, are the lot of   הקב"ה as the posuk says in Haazinu כי חלק ה' עמו יעקב חבל נחלתו ,For 'ה's share is his people; Jacob, the portion of His possession.  
Continued the גאון , with His portion He's always happy whether it’s a lot or a little. That's how 'ה is שמח בחלקו.

What does that mean though? I understand that 'ה is happy with us when we do a lot but what's his happiness with a little?

The עלינו לשבח brings a story about ר' אלקנה לייסנר who did two interesting things every day while walking to his daf yomi shir. First, instead of walking leisurely, taking the side streets, he would go out of his way to walk along the busiest streets in town second, he would always be carrying his large gemara.

Over the years many people wondered why he would walk carrying around this huge gemara when there were plenty of gemaras in shul to use.
Finally, one of his relatives asked him. Why do you always carry around that huge gemara?

He answered, I want people to see me walking with the gemara so when they see a regular working man coming to learn after a long day, I'm hoping they will be inspired to come to learn too. That's why I take the biggest gemara I have & walk the busiest streets so more people will see me & do the same.

The gemara in Shabbos mentions three things that one should say in his house עם חשיכה, just before dark: עשרתם , ערבתם , הדליקו את הנר. Have you tithed? Have you prepared the eiruv? Light the lamps! הגר"מ שפירא זצ"ל explained these in a more practical way for our generation.  עם חשיכה ,in a generation where darkness prevails over light, a generation where sin triumphs, we have to internalize these three things. עשרתם , take tithes from our time to learn Torah. Even those of us that are busy all day must find some time to learn.  ערבתם , it’s incumbent upon us להתערב בין הבריות , to mingle with the people & inspire them to join us in the service of Hashem.   הדליקו את הנר, ignite the eternal flame of Torah & warm the hearts of the people to want to study Torah.   

Perhaps this is the little that 'ה  is happy with: the small things that people do to inspire other people to help people , to influence other people to recognize 'ה. Even in this generation, where our values are challenged, & dark has seemingly taken over, we still need to go in the ways of 'ה showing other people the right path & know that even the small things we do are making Hashem שמח בחלקו!

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