
Friday, November 18, 2011

Chayei Sarah

The posuk says ואלה ימי שני חיי אברהם אשר חי these are the years of אברהם's life that he lived. רבי צדוק asks, it seems that the words אשר חי - that he lived, are superfluous.
He answers that אברהם's main focus was doing positive commandments, for his essence was the love of 'ה. The yerushalmi says that the root of doing positive commandments is a love of 'ה,whereas negative commandments are out of fear of 'ה. Therefore, everything he did was with זריזות, for when you act out of love there's nothing to slow you down. He kept going up, never standing still. That's why it says אשר חי, because his whole life he was always going up in his own service of 'ה.
Similarly, the Midrash says that every צדיק has his own world. This means that each person has to strive to complete his own goals on his own level, according to one's own character traits. אברהם's was love, & he kept building on that so that his whole life was considered a spiritual climb until his world was completed.
The posuk says earlier, ויהיו חיי שרה מאה שנה ועשרים שנה ושבע שנים שני חיי שרה,Sarah's lifetime was one hundred years,and twenty years,and seven years; the years of Sarah's life . Again it repeats שני חיי שרה, & Rashi says it's telling us כולן שוין לטובה, They were all equal for good. First of all, where do you see that all her years were good? She had many troubles. Also, what are the repeated words coming to teach us? Explains רבי יהושע אהרן צבי, אב"ד מורגרטן, when chazal say רשעים בחייהם קרויים מתים that the wicked even in their lifetime are called deceased, they mean that the days of a person's life that count are the days that one does good deeds. However, if one just wastes his day, & does nothing to serve his creator, it's not considered as if he lived those days. This is what the posuk is telling us. שרה lived out each day doing good, bringing people closer to 'ה, & that's why it's considered שני חיי שרה - that she lived fully all her days.
However, how does that answer why Rashi says all her days were good ? Maybe like we said by אברהם, that each person's job is to fulfill his own mission, & if one completely does what one is supposed to do, then what we might perceive as a hardship, to them is just a challenge. When one overcomes their challenges, says the דרש דוד, there is no greater happiness than that.
We can learn from אברהם and שרה that each person has their individual purpose, and it doesn't matter what the next person is doing. No matter what the challenge, when we overcome it, we will merit true happiness and fulfillment in our lives!

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