
Friday, June 17, 2011


The posuk says ויקריבו אתו המצאים אתו מקשש עצים; those who found him gathering wood brought him.
By the מקשש it says ויקריבו, by the one who cursed it says ויביאו. Why the difference? The שער בת רבים explains, the mekallel was forcefully brought so it says ויביאו - that they had to force him, but the מקשש went on his own, because he did this לשם שמים. He wanted the people to see that for sinning he got killed & not take the mitzvos lightly. There is an interesting dialog that the תדב"א brings down between Moshe & 'ה. Hashem says to Moshe "that one was mechallel shabbos". Moshe says all week the people wear tefillin so they are reminded not to sin, but on shabbos where there's no teffilin, he sinned. 'ה says I'll give you a mitzva to remind you on shabbos too, & he gives the mitzva of tzitzis. However, according to what we just said, the mikoshaish knew what he was doing was wrong & he did it on purpose so that people would learn from him what not to do. How would the tzitzis help here?
Let's think for a moment about the self sacrifice & purity of spirit of the mekoshaish. He was willing to give up his life in order to strengthen the mitzvos of 'ה so that they shouldn't be taken lightly. He gave up his honor too, as he's always known as the rasha & a mechallel shabbos. Is there a greater mesiros nefesh than that?
Chazal say, had the jewish people kept 2 shabbosim then we would have been redeemed. This was the second shabbos, so had the mekoshesh kept that shabbos, we would have been redeemed; no one would have been able to hurt us - no inquisition, no pogroms , no holocaust. But alas, he knew better. He was going to help 'ה by going against him. If we do something that's not in the way of the torah, even though we think we know better, we have no idea how destructive our actions can be. R' Yisrael Salanter gives a mashal to a king who told his officer who was going to the next town not to make a bet with anyone on the way now matter what. The officer agreed. On his way, a group of people met up with him & were antagonizing him saying that he had blemishes all over his body. They bet him 1,000,000 that he had these blemishes. Knowing he had no blemishes, he opened his shirt to prove it. He wanted to get this money for the king, so how could he go wrong? When he got back & told the king what happened, that he made him all that money, the king said, you fool! I had a bet with that same guy for 10,000,000 that he couldn't get you to take off your shirt!
So too people who try to put their own logic into the mitzvos of the Torah. They have no idea how much they're really losing.
Maybe that's why 'ה said that the mitzva of tzitzis could prevent even this kind of sin, for as the S'forno says that when we look at the tzitzis we should remember that we are slaves to 'ה. If we remember that, then just as a slave has no say in what he's told to do, we too will realize that we have no say & will just do the mitzvos as they're given without trying to fix or improve them!

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