
Friday, October 8, 2010


The Parsha starts out with אלה תולדות נח these are the offspring of Noach
Last week we ended with נח מצא חן בעיני ה that Noach found favor in ה's eyes
The Medrash Rabba says that we put the 2 Pesukim together that the reason Noach found favor in ה's eyes was because of his offspring.
According to that though, why does the Posuk interrupt with נח איש צדיק before it tells us who is children are ?
Says the בעל אפריון that if it's not publicized that someone is a Tzaddik, he'll have a very hard time influencing people, but if someone is a known Tzaddik, people will be much quicker to listen to him.
The Torah is telling us over here that even though Noach was a known Tzaddik to the people of his generation, he was still like the Posuk continues את האלקים התהלך נח that Noach only walked with 'ה & didn't go out & try to influence the people of his generation. He was a Tzaddik but only for himself.
At the end of the Parasha where it lists the names of the offspring of Shem it says that Haran died in Ohr Kassdim & on that Rashi brings down the Medrash how Avraham was thrown into a fiery furnace by Nimrod because he broke his father's idols.
R' Shmuel Birnbaum asks, isn't it odd that the first Nisayon of Avraham Avinu, one where he risked his life & would have been killed had it not been for a miracle, doesn't even get mentioned in the Torah?
& he answers that the reason the Torah didn't mention it is because for a person to be willing to give up his life for a cause isn't that unusual. You see it all the time; people go into battle knowing they might die but feel the need to fight for a cause, so to be willing to die for a cause doesn't need to be mentioned. On the other hand, to LIVE for a cause is much harder. Imagine how Avraham must have felt when he knew he had to go home & tell his wife he just sacrificed their only child and to live with that his whole life- that's a challenge. So maybe the Posuk is teaching us that the reason Noach was saved was only for Avraham who did what Noach didn't do; he reached out to the people & lived his life teaching others how to live their lives doing everything for 'ה & even when it might seem like things don't make sense, you do the right thing & 'ה will take care of the rest!

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