
Friday, February 4, 2011


The Posuk says וצפית אתו זהב טהור מבית ומחוץ תצפנו that you should make an ארון out of Shittim wood then cover it with gold inside & out.
Rashi says that Bezalel made three different ארונות - one of wood, & two of gold, & the wood one went into one of the gold ones & then the other gold one went into the wood one totally covering the wood.
The Gemara in Yuma says that we learn from here that a Talmid Chacham has to be תוכו כברו ; his essence needs to reflect his image.
The Maharsha says that the word תצפנו-you shall cover it, at the end of the Posuk, teaches us that in addition, a Talmid Chacham can't be two faced - אחד בפה ואחד בלב Just like the inside & outside of the ארון was pure, so too, he has to be pure.
Rav Lieff asks, how do we see from the ארון that one must be תוכו כברו? The center of the ארון was wood not gold - its inside wasn't the same!?
The Medrash asks, once the ארון was covered from both sides in gold what was the point of even having the wood?
R' Bloch says that the wood represents Gashmius while the gold represents Ruchnius.
The Medrash says that the wood represents the yetzer hara & in order for one to acquire the Torah he has to combat the yetzer hara.
Maybe the way we could combat the yetzer hara & be able to acquire Torah is by understanding what Rav Lieff says is Peshat in תוכו כברו. The way we learn תוכו כברו from the ארון is because its center is wood which represents the mundane, but it's surrounded by gold that represents the spiritual. We have to be able to take the wood, the mundane, & cover it with gold, the spiritual, to make it complete. The physical & the spiritual have to complement each other to become one entity, תוכו כברו are one. Once we internalize this and our focus is on the gold, we'll be able to conquer the yetzer hara and acquire our share of the Torah!

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