
Friday, November 26, 2010


The Posuk tells us that after the brothers put Yosef in the pit they saw a caravan of arabs coming &Yehuda said לכו ונמכרנו לישמעלים וידינו אל תהי בו let's sell him to the arabs; let our hands not be on him.
When Yaakov gives the berachos to the Shivatim in Parshas Vayechi, he praises Yehuda that he sold him instead of killing him. רב אייזיק שר asks, why does he praise him for that? The Gemmara says that to be sold into captivity is a fate worse than death. It also says that when one is a slave he's likely to sin, & its worse to cause a person to sin than to kill him. So why is Yehuda praised for selling him?
Rabbi Diamond asks, why when Potifar's wife grabbed his clothes, didn't Yosef just grab them back before he ran so she wouldn't be able to prove anything?
The Torah is teaching us a very important lesson says רב שר. When a person is faced with a decision to make, & he's not sure what to do, & there is no turning back, what you have to do is step back & let the pieces fall into place like 'ה wants them to. So what Yehuda was doing was saying וידינו אל תהי בו that our hands shouldn't be in it; let's sell him so there's no chance we'll do anything irreversible to him, & let 'ה take it from here.
Maybe that's what yosef was thinking too when he didn't want to take the extra second to grab his clothes back. He had to get right out so as to be sure he wouldn't sin. As for the accusation that now there was proof, he would rely on 'ה & do nothing.
So the Torah is teaching us here that sometimes it's better not to think into things too much. Take yourself out of the equation & cast your burdens on 'ה & He will work things out!

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