Yaakov tells his children,שמעתי כי יש שבר במצרים רדו שמה ושברו לנו משם ונחיה ולא נמות " I heard that there is food in Mitzrayim; go down & buy some so we will live & not die."
The Orach Chaim says that the reason for the double lashon of "we will live & not die" is to instruct them of the importance of effort; if they won't go down, then they will die here & not live in Olam Haba as well, for not even trying to save themselves. However, if they put in the effort to go down & get food then they will live here & in the next world.
The Parsha starts with ויהי מקץ שנתים ימים " It was at the end of 2 years".
The Klai Yakar says, being that the Torah doesn't tell us when these 2 years started, Chazal say they started from when Yosef asked the wine maker to remember him to Pharaoh. After that Yosef was stuck in jail for another 2 years for not relying on 'ה.
Why was Yosef punished for trying to save himself while the brothers would have been punished for not trying to save themselves?
The Gemara says מאי חנכה & goes on to explain how the Yevanim came into the Heychal & were Mitamai everything. After the Chashmonaim won the war, they found one jar of oil that lasted for 8 days instead of 1, so the next year they made a Yom Tov to commemorate the נס.
The Maharal asks why this is the only time you find that we make a Yom Tov because 'ה made a נס that enabled us to do one Mitzvah. Normally we make a Yom Tov when we were saved from being destroyed. Even as we see in Al Hanisim, there's no mention of the oil, only the miracle of the war.
He answers that the miracle of Chanuka was really of the Chashmonayin winning the war, but since that could have been attributed to normal means 'ה made the נס of the oil which you could only interpret as a נס, to show that the whole war too was won by a נס.
So maybe its the same thing here too. There are 2 different types of Hishtadlus. One is when you make an effort, & even though you know that all you get is coming from 'ה, it looks like the norm. You can't just sit & wait for the bread to come to you - you have to put in some effort & then 'ה will make it happen. The other way is by doing something that would never happen without an open miracle, like asking a Mitzry who hates jews to put his life on the line to get him out of jail!! That would never happen without 'ה pulling the strings.
Like the Medrash says that the only reason the winemaker even spoke up at all was because he thought Pharaoh was going insane & with another king he didn't know if he'd be replaced, so he spoke up only for his own benefit!
Maybe this is how we could understand what Yosef did wrong; relying on someone like that is an act of desperation says the Chazon Ish & someone like Yosef who has complete faith in 'ה should never act out of desperation, but should wait for 'ה to perform the miracle for him. It's only in normal times that we have to put in our Hishtadlus, but in desperate times all we need to do is have absolute faith in 'ה!
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