The Posuk says, ויגדל משה ויצא אל אחיו וירא בסבלתם; that Moshe grew up & went out to see the hardships of his brothers.
Rashi says that he went & saw his brothers' pain & really took it to heart.
The Medrash takes it a step further, and says he felt so bad that he went around helping whoever he could with the backbreaking labor.
The Parsha continues with 'ה telling Moshe that He sees the pain & suffering of the people, hears their cries and it's time to take them out & bring them into the land of Israel.
Hashem tells Moshe, go to Pharaoh & take my nation out of Mitzraim. Moshe says who am I to go to the king and to take the Jews out of Mitzraim?
Rashi says that Moshe was saying, I'm not worthy to be the one to take them out, and even if I'm worthy, what merit do the Jews have to be taken out of Mitzraim?
Hashem answers, it's not coming from you it's from me & I will be with you. As far as the Zechus, when the בני ישראל come out they're going to accept the Torah.
I heard a fascinating insight from R' Shmuel Berenbaum. What's the back & forth between Moshe & 'ה? Hashem just told Moshe he wants to take the בני ישראל out & Moshe, who cared so much about them is now second guessing 'ה when He says He wants to take them out?!? Moshe should have been jumping for joy! Not looking for excuses why they shouldn't be taken out. And what's ה's answer? That they're going to get the Torah.
How is that a Zechus to go out of Mitzraim? Are we rewarded for futures?
R' Shmuel says that what Moshe was really asking was what merit will the בני ישראל have that once they're taken out of Mitzraim they'll still remain Jews? When they were oppressed & forced together they remained Jewish, but if they're free to do as they please who says they'll remain Jews?
On that 'ה said don't worry. When they come out they're going to accept the Torah & the Torah is what is going to keep them as Jews. As we see throughout the ages, the ones who stuck with the Torah through thick & thin remained steadfast as Jews, while the ones who didn't are unrecognizable as Jews.
So what 'ה is telling us is that the only way to ensure the survival of the Jewish people is by accepting the Torah & really living it and making it an integral part of our very being!
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