The Torah tells us that when Yaakov was on the way to meet Eisav he took his wives & children & all his possessions across the river.
Then the Posuk says ויותר יעקב לבדו that Yaakov was left there all alone.
Rashi says the reason he was alone was because he forgot some small jars so he went back to get them.
The Gemmara in Chulin says we see from here that צדיקים חביב עליהן ממונם יותר מגופם that Tzadikim value their money more than their lives.
Reason for this is because they won't steal so they need to make sure to keep what's theirs.
R' Aaron Kutler explains that even though Yaakov was very wealthy at the time, since maybe sometime in the future he might need these jars & he wanted to stay far away from theft, he went to get them so he wouldn't be tempted later on to steal.
Now how are we to understand this that yaakov had to go back to get the jars so he wouldn't be tempted to steal? How could we even think that if he didn't have something he would steal to get it?!?
Rabbainu Bachaya say the reason Yaakov went back was because those jars that he left were the jars that the children drank from & In order that the children wouldn't be put in danger by not drinking on the journey, he put himself in danger to get the jars.
So maybe this is how we could understand what the Gemmara is teaching us, that of course, no matter what Yaakov wouldn't steal, but if he wouldn't have gotten the jugs so the kids could drink, & they would have been in a life or death situation, then he would be tempted to steal to save the kids.
So Yaakov is teaching us that you have to look ahead &prepare yourself so as not to put yourself in a situation where you could be tempted to sin even if know you could justify it later!
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