
Friday, May 13, 2011


The Posuk says, וכי תאמרו מה נאכל; and if you say what are we going to eat, we didn't plant or gather our grain, וצויתי את ברכתי; I will give my Beracha in the sixth year and you will have produce for the next three years.
The אוצרות התורה asks that the beginning of the posuk seems like it's extra. It should have just said וצויתי את ברכתי. What's the difference if we say what are we going to eat? Even more puzzling is that it seems from the posuk that only if you ask you get the beracha. One who doesn't ask & just does with absolute faith doesn't get the beracha??
The ספורנו says that if one would have total faith in 'ה & doesn't ask what am I going to eat, then the posuk before comes to him - ונתנה הארץ פריה, the land will give its normal crop. The posuk continues, ואכלתם לשבע, which Rashi says means that you will be satisfied with little. For him a regular crop on the 6th year will last him for 3 years, but for the one who asks "what are we going to eat?", there will be the beracha that he will have 3 years produce in one. However, the amount of work that will have to be put into that one year will be tremendous. Yes, he will get the beracha, but he'll have to work very hard for it, whereas the one who didn't ask will have enough for the same 3 years with no extra effort.
From here says ר אליהו לאפיאן, we learn how 'ה acts towards us all the time. The way He treats us is commensurate with our trust in Him. As it says, ה' צלך על יד ימינך and chazal say that just like a shadow that lifts one finger if you do, & if you lift 2 so will the shadow, so too 'ה. As much as a person relies on Him and puts his trust in Him, that's how much 'ה will help him. We have to have total reliance on 'ה, for the more we rely on Him the more He will make sure we succeed. One shouldn't think, who am I to rely on 'ה, I'm not worthy, for ר' ירמיה says that even a רשע ובוטח בה' חסד יסובבנו. It doesn't matter who you are, as long as you have total trust in 'ה, you will lack nothing!

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