The Posuk tells us that if we study the Torah in order to know how to do the Mitzvos, then we will have plenty of rain in the proper times, & the storehouses of food will be overflowing with plenty.
ואכלתם לחמכם לשבע וישבתם לבטח בארצכם
You will eat your bread, be satisfied, and live content on the land. Then the posuk says ונתתי שלום בארץ - I will put peace on the land. The Ramban asks, the posuk just said we will live content on the land; what's added by this extra promise of peace? It seems redundant.
The גן יוסף brings down an interesting story that happened in a small town in Lita. Two men came early to shul one day & found the courtyard entrance flooded. Sholom, the first man, said to his friend Yisroel, why should we both get soaked? One of us should go on the other's shoulders. Whoever finds a posuk first to show why it should be him on top, will go on the other ones shoulders.
Almost immediately, Sholom said שלום על ישראל.Left with no choice, Yisroel put him on his shoulders. Halfway through he throws him down & says, ונתתי שלום בארץ, & they both walk in to shul dirty.
So too by us. What one builds the other knocks down, & we all have a posuk to show that what we're doing is right & the others are wrong. Meanwhile, we're all getting dirty.
The gemara tells us that the students of R' Akiva died because they didn't respect one another. The Maharal says, from here we see that treating one's friend with respect is the essence of life. Those that didn't, had their lives taken away. Like the gemara in Berochos says, when R' Eliezer got sick, his students went to visit, they said "Rabainu teach us the way of life that will ensure us olam habba". He answered, be careful with your friends' honor.
Similarly says the Ramban, this is what the second bracha is; that we should have peace from within & there will be peace amongst all the different factions of klal yisroel. Everyone will get along & treat each other with the respect and honor that we all deserve!
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