The Posuk says, Hashem says to Moshe, Behold I come to you in the thick of the cloud,so the people will hear as I speak to you and they will believe in you also, forever. Moshe told the words of the people to 'ה .
Rashi says את דברי העם, that the people told Moshe that they wanted to hear straight from 'ה & not from a messenger, for how can you compare hearing from the king himself?
After 'ה says the Dibros, the Posuk says, they said to Moshe " You speak to us and we shall hear; let 'ה not speak to us lest we die."
If 'ה had wanted the people to see Him & hear straight from him why wouldn't He have done it in a way that the people would be able to handle it, and be able to hear straight from Him?
Wouldn't it be better to hear directly from 'ה himself?
The Rambam in Hilchos Yisoday Torah says that the Emunah Bnei Yisroel had in Moshe came from Har Sinai. For it was there that they heard 'ה talking directly to Moshe & telling him the rest of the Dibros, that they weren't able to handle hearing directly from 'ה.
The Posuk says that 'ה told Moshe, tell the people to be prepared for the 3rd day because I'm going to give them the Torah.
Rashi says that when Moshe told the people, he said prepare for 3 days, & 'ה will give the Torah on the fourth day. Moshe added one day from what 'ה said on his own.
How could Moshe do that if 'ה said He wanted to give it on the 3rd day? How could Moshe change it to the fourth?
The Tiferes Shlomo says that the reason Moshe added on a day of his own volition was because he was teaching us that the only way to be מקיים the Torah is by listening to the Chachamim. Therefore, immediately at Matan Torah, he showed the power of the Chachamin by delaying Matan Torah by one day.
Maybe that's also the reason that 'ה didn't want the people to hear directly from Him; to show that even though we might think its better to hear directly from 'ה, in reality, we need the Chachamim to teach us what He really wants & not what we think He said!
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