The Posuk says ועבדתם את ה' אלקיכם וברך את לחמך ואת מימיך you will serve 'ה & He will bless your bread & water.
The Klei Yakar asks why it says 'ועבדתם את ה in plural & וברך את לחמך ואת מימיך in singular.
Rav Tzudok says the reason is because when we're serving 'ה the best way to do it is everyone together as a group. For when there is a כלל doing something together, it infuses each person with a drive to be better, & the momentum is contagious, & more & more people will get involved until everyone is a part of it; good, bad & otherwise, & that's what we want. All people, even the sinners, should be part of it. Just like by the Ketores, one of the spices is Chelbina, & its a foul smelling spice, but mixed together with all the other ones it smells good too. So too when serving 'ה, we want everyone together,so that all will be good.
When it comes to food & drink which are symbols of Parnasa, each person needs a different amount & 'ה gives each person on an individual level as much as he needs to be able to serve Him to his fullest.
The גר"א says that when a Posuk is referring to the whole of כלל ישראל it says it in singular, but when it's referring to individuals it says it in plural.
Based on that, the רידב"ז explains the Posuk as follows. When it says ועבדתם את ה, it means that even if there are only a few people that are serving Hashem wholeheartedly, 'ה will still bless your bread & water. It's worth it to 'ה to feed the whole world just to sustain the few individuals that serve Him wholeheartedly. This is because as Rav Tzudok says, these few people who serve 'הwith their whole being will have a positive influence on the rest, spreading their excitement for serving 'ה to the rest of the people and all will end up joined together to serve 'ה. Thus in the merit of the few who bring the people together, 'ה will give all of us the Beracha of Parnassa!
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