The midrash tells us that all mitzvos are actually contained in the Aseres HaDibros, commonly translated as the Ten Commandments, so that the revelation at Sinai and the giving of the Aseres HaDibros constituted the creation of our covenant with God. Reading this section on Shabbos Nachamu, then, constitutes a renewal of that covenant, in the face of the exile and suffering that we commemorated on Tisha B'av. One of the commandments that we read is: כבד את אביך ואת אמך כאשר צוך, "Honor your father and mother as I commanded." Rashi comments that the words “I commanded” was originally said in מרה. The Ksav Sofer explains that we need to know where this was originally commanded because the Torah is trying to teach us that the reason we have to honor our parents is not because they took care of us, fed us and clothed us. For these reasons, of course one should honor them. Rather, these laws were given in the desert where there was the manna, the well of Miriam, and the clouds, so that the parents didn't even have to take care of the children. Hashem took care of everything. The Torah tells us these laws here to teach us that the reason we must honor parents is just for the simple reason that they brought us into the world, no matter what they did or didn't do for us.
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