The Torah tells us that after Adam & Chava are banished from the Garden of Eden, they had two children, Cain & Abel . Abel was a shepherd while Cain was a farmer. In time, both brought offerings to Hashem, Cain from the fruit of the ground & Abel from the choicest of his flock.
The posuk continues & tells us that Hashem accepted the offering of Abel but not that of Cain causing Cain to be very upset & depressed. ויאמר ה' אל קין למה חרה לך ולמה נפלו פניך , And Hashem said to Cain, “why are you upset & why are you depressed?”
The חידושי הרי"ם questions why Hashem had to ask Cain why he was upset when it's stated explicitly that Hashem turned toward Abel's offering & not his. So, if we know the reason, why was Hashem asking him? The חידושי הרי"ם answers that this is what Hashem was really asking "why are you upset: is it because I didn't accept your sacrifice or is it because I accepted Abel's?”
Prior to this, we read of a similar incident. After Adam & Chava ate from the prohibited tree, they heard Hashem walking in the garden & hid from Him. The posuk then says that Hashem called out to Adam איכה , where are you?
Rashi explains that, of course, Hashem knew where he was, but he asked to start a conversation without startling him.
Once, when רב שניאור זלמן מליאדי was in jail, one of the ministers who was fluent in Tanach came to him & started asking questions, of which, one referred to this posuk. Since Hashem knew where Adam was, why was He asking? The rabbi first gave him Rashi's answer that it was not to startle him. However, the minister was not content with that answer. He said, “I know Rashi's answer; I want to hear what you have to answer.”
The rabbi asked him if he believed that the Torah is eternal? Answered the minister, yes, I believe”. once the rabbi heard that he believed in Hashem, he gave this answer.
The call of איכה ,where are you, is an eternal call that is the call of Hashem to every person saying איכה , where are you? Where are you standing in the world? What have you accomplished? You’re already 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90 years old & what have you done? That is the question of איכה.
The last letter of the Torah is a ל & the first letter in the Torah is a ב spelling the word לב , heart. This teaches us that the whole Torah is encompassed in the heart. Reb Yochanan Ben Zakkai asked his students to find the best path that a person should follow. When Reb Eliezer responded, “a good heart”, Reb Yochanan said that he got the right path, because a good heart encompasses everything.
So perhaps what the Torah is teaching us is that if we want to be able to answer the call of איכה , where are you, we have to start with a לב טוב. Unlike Cain, who wasn't upset because Hashem didn't accept his sacrifice, but rather because Hashem accepted Abel's, we must demonstrate a “good heart”. Cain’s bad heart brought him to ruin.
As Abraham Lincoln said;
"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or we could rejoice because thorn bushes have roses".
Are we upset because we didn't accomplish or because our friend did? We have to learn to have a good heart & look at everything positively & by doing so, everything else will fall into place!
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