
Friday, November 28, 2014


Our Parsha starts with Yaakov leaving באר שבע and heading to חרן. The posuk then tells us ויפגע במקום וילן שם , he encountered the place & spent the night there.

Rashi cites the gemara that says the word ויפגע means prayer, teaching us that Yaakov established the evening prayer. The Torah used the word ויפגע instead of ויתפלל to teach us that the land contracted for him, thereby making his journey shorter.

The gemara tells us that when Yaakov had passed by Mount Moriah & got to Charan, he realized that he had passed the spot where his father ‎and grandfather had prayed. He felt bad that he hadn't, so he decided to return there to pray. As he turned to go back, the land had contracted & he found himself at Mount Moriah.

The מכתב מאליהו notes how astounding it is that as soon as Yaakov had decided to return, Hashem had instantly made the earth contract so that he arrived immediately, teaching us that one good thought brings an immediate reaction from Hashem. When one just decides in his mind to do good, then Hashem instantly helps him to succeed.

We all know that when Yaakov finished his prayers, Hashem made the sun set so that he would go to sleep. During that sleep, he had the famous dream of a ladder stretched heavenward with angels going up & down. The sefer מדרש אליהו notes that the numerical value of the word סולם , ladder, is the same as the word ממון , money. Both equal 136. Based on that he interprets the posuk as follows: והנה סולם, by way of one’s money, one feels מוצב ארצה that his wealth came to him because of his strength & acumen, his dealings on the ground. In reality, וראשו מגיע השמימה everything is dependent on Hashem who sits in heaven. It’s with His will that one becomes wealthy or poor. As the posuk continues: מלאכי אלוקים עולים ויורדים בו the angels of Hashem that are in charge of sustenance will bring up the ones who deserve to succeed & bring down the ones who are meant to fail.

The בן איש חי explains what the connection is between the word סולם, ladder, & ממון, money, that it's specifically these words that are used to convey this concept.
Back in the days when a ladder was used to get into the house, one would put a nice sturdy ladder outside his home with each step being ornate yet sturdy. If the top step would start to brag & say that I'm the best one for the owner put me on the top, one could just take the ladder & turn it over; in a second the one on top is at the bottom & the one on bottom is on top which shows the top one that there is nothing to feel superior about. It’s not up to him, but rather up to the one that could just flip the ladder who's really in charge. Therefore, the Torah used the word סולם, ladder to demonstrate to us that one who's wealthy should use his wealth for the good & that one who is struggling shouldn't despair, for the ladder can always be turned.

Maybe we can take this a step further & say that just as when one has the intention to do something good, Hashem helps him & makes it happen right away, so too, when it's your time to succeed, Hashem will make it happen right away!

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