Friday, June 8, 2012
After the Jews complained about the מן the posuk says שטו העם ולקטו , the nation searched & gathered which implies says the gemara that they had to work hard searching all over to find it., whereas the posuk in בשלח says ויצאו העם ולקטו , that they just had to go out of the camp to find it. And yet another posuk says. ברדת הטל על המחנה לילה that the מן was dropped right in the camp at their doorstep. How do we reconcile these three seemingly contradictory statements?
The שלחן גבוה brings the gemara in יומא that says that each posuk is referring to a different type of person. For the צדיקים it came straight to the doorstep, for the בינונים, the middle of the road people, it came right outside the camp & they just had to go get it, & for the רשעים it came far away so they had to search & work hard to find it.
Similarly, there are three levels regarding one's parnasa. One is the צדיק for whom the Torah is his livelihood, for him 'ה will arrange that there are people who want to support him so he can just sit & learn. The second level is the average person who have set times for learning & set times for working, 'ה will arrange that his parnasa comes easily so that he will have more time for Torah study. Lastly you have the wicked who totally disregard Torah study, for them 'ה makes sure the work is tough & hard to come by.
With this the נודע ביהודה explains the Midrash that says that when ירמיה הנביא rebukes the nation & asks why aren't you involved in Torah study, they answer, if we study Torah how will we support ourselves? He then took out a jar of מן & showed it to them & said look at this & remember your fathers who studied Torah & were supported by 'ה, so too if you study the Torah, 'ה will support you.
How do we understand that? Is he telling them not to work at all? How could he say that? We know כל תורה שאין עמה מלאכה סופה בטלה וגוררת עון any Torah study that isn't accompanied by work in the end will be nullified & cause sin. Additionally we know that you're not allowed to rely on a miracle, so how could he tell them to stop working & only learn?
Answers the נודע ביהודה, the problem with the people then, wasn't that they didn't put aside enough time for learning, the problem was that they didn't learn at all. What ירמיה הנביא was doing by showing them the מן was saying, don't use livelihood as a reason not to learn at all. Just like by the מן there were three levels & the more a person studied Torah the easier it was for him to get the sustenance, so to here if you just take the middle level & put aside some time for learning you will see that you will make more money in less time & have that extra time to learn.
This teaches us that in order to succeed in our learning we have to balance it with work, & in order for us to succeed in our parnasa we have to balance it with learning. The more we show 'ה that we want to learn, the more He'll help us find time, for by doing so we're showing our complete trust that He will ensure that we have all that we need!
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