When the Torah tells us about the Tzaras of the head it says איש צרוע היא טמא הוא.
The אור החיים הקודש asks, why does it call the person an איש צרוע and by all the other types of Tzaras it says just צרעת הוא.
He explains by saying that calling someone an איש צרוע is much more degrading and humiliating than simply saying it's Tzaras. One who contracts head tzaras is loathed by 'ה. We see this by the fact that head tzaras is in plain view of the world, unlike body tzaras which could be hidden until one does teshuva, so it could go away without anyone knowing, while the head Tzaras is a public display of 'ה's wrath.
What is the sin that is so great that one gets head Tzaras which is so detested by 'ה?
The Posuk says נגע צרעת כי תהיה באדם והובא אל הכהן, when there will be an affliction of tzaras in a person he will be brought to the כהן.
The Mishnah in Negaim says that one can see anyone's negaim except for his own. Even one כהן must go to another כהן to view his Nega.
The דורשי רשומות expounds upon this concept by saying that one can see everyone else's faults except one's own. Human nature is to focus on other people's shortcomings no matter how small, but never to see their own no matter how great.
The posuk says טמא טמא יקרא, that one has to call out that he's impure.
The של "ה הקודש says that this alludes to what chazal say, that one sees their own bad traits in others - טמא the one who is impure טמא יקרא calls other people impure.
The Meshech Chachma says that we know 'ה punishes mida K'neged mida. The reason a person gets head tzaras is because of heretical thoughts which no one knows he's thinking, so this shows everyone what he's really all about, it also comes from haughtiness. His head is up in the clouds thinking he does no wrong.
This is a wake up call to look at oneself & see what everybody else sees, & to focus on your own faults instead of your friends. By doing that we will better ourselves & merit the coming of moshiach speedily in our day!
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