The Posuk says כל מרים תרומת כסף ונחשת whoever will set aside silver & copper for the Mishkan should bring it to 'ה. However, two Pesukim before, when it talks about bringing the Gold to the Mishkan, it says כל איש אשר הניף תנופת זהב- whoever raised up an offering of gold to 'ה. R' Shloima kluger asks, why the change in Loshon?
Chazal tell us that the gold of the Mishkan was Mechaper for the sin of the עגל. Therefore, he answers that the gold which was Mechaper was said with a Loshon of Tenufa-waving, which is what was done on all Korbanos that were Mechaper.
If the gold was only brought as a Kapara on the עגל, why then, asks the Klei Yakar, does it say that the women came & brought their gold jewelry? They weren't part of the sin of the עגל & didn't need a Kapara. And not only did they bring their jewelry, the Ramban says that they were the first ones to come; even before the men. What motivated them?
The Posuk says that the women came & spun the wool with extraordinary wisdom. Rashi says that they spun the wool while it was on the animal.
The אדמו"ר מאוסטרובצה explains what the extraordinary wisdom was. The women really weren't included in the command to build the Mishkan at all because it was a מצות עשה שהזמן גרמא, being that it couldn't be built on Shabbos. So in order to get themselves obligated, they spun the wool on the sheep which is not the normal way to do it so that makes it a D'rabunan which is not forbidden in the Mishkan. So then it comes out that it could be built on Shabbos which fully obligates them.
We see from here how much the women wanted to be part of the Mishkan that they figured out a way to obligate themselves.
Much in the same way that now too, the women share in the Mitzva of Limud HaTorah even though they're not obligated in that mitzvah. As the Gemara says, they do this by staying up late to wait for their husbands to come home & encouraging their children to go learn Torah. They get the same Sechar as if they were learning Torah too.
Maybe that's why they ran first to give the gold even though they didn't need the kapara; to show their husbands & children what's important & where they should be running, to serve 'ה!
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