Our parsha discusses many of the laws of the Korbanos that a person has to bring for various reasons. Chazal inform us that, even though we don't have Korbanos now, tefilla takes the place of the korbanos.
The Maharal tells us that the korbanos were to show a complete subjugation to Hashem, that no other power exists except for Him. If that's the purpose of the Korbanos & Tefilla takes the place of the Korbanos, then the purpose of tefilla is to show a complete subjugation to Hashem, to know that He is the One that creates and maintains all life & that He is the only One who deserves our praise.
The Megilla describes Mordechai’s reaction to Haman’s decree, ויזעק זעקה גדולה ומרה , and he cried loudly & bitterly. The Midrash tells us that the reason for Mordechai’s rise to greatness was that he davened all the time; he was constantly being misspallel to Hashem. So much so, that even after things were turning around for the Jews, with Haman having to lead Mordechai around town on the horse, immediately וישב מרדכי , Mordechai went right back to what he was doing before, davening to Hashem.
Mordechai's greatness came from his constant davening which shows us that a person who davens at all times recognizes that Hashem is the only One that who can influence any situation. It's only Hashem that has the power to do anything that affects our lives. This solid faith brings one closer & closer to Hashem & propels him to greatness.
There was a story told of a young kollel rabbi who for years had no children. He went with his wife to doctor after doctor to no avail. One day he was talking to a friend & poured out his heart to him telling him his problem having done all that he could do, visiting every doctor. He didn’t know what else to do. His friend advised him to go to America to some of the top doctors in the field. Left with no choice, the young rabbi went with his wife to America to the top doctors.
After weeks of tests & months of trials, the doctors in America also gave up hope. However, there was one doctor that they hadn't seen yet; the top doctor in the world with a waiting list requiring months to see him. However, they had no choice, so they waited & finally got to him with all their test results. After hours of looking through everything & doing his own tests, the doctor called them in to his office for this diagnosis. My conclusion, after hours & hours of research to figure out the problem, is that there is no problem. Therefore, I can't cure you. For whatever reason, you’re not having children is beyond me. The doctor continued, “I see that you & your wife are religious Jews, so the only thing I can tell you is pray to your G-d for only He can help you.
When they heard the words of the doctor they were filled with such heartache & pain, they went back to where they were staying, crying bitterly the whole time. At mincha time, the young rabbi went to daven where he started davening and crying from the depths of his heart. As he's davening, he started thinking how this all must be a test from Hashem to show him that there is no power in the world, no doctor that could help him. The only help that he could count on is Hashem.
From the depths of his heart, he said, "Hashem I want to ask You forgiveness for trusting that the doctors could help me, for putting my faith in them. Now I recognize that there is no power other than You & from today on I will only put my faith in You; please help me”.
Nine months later they had a son!