Rashi tells us that no one was able to lift it because of the weight of the beams which couldn't be lifted by natural means. Yet, Moshe lifted them. Moshe said to Hashem, “how is it possible for a human to lift?” Hashem answered, “you do as much as you can & I'll do the rest.” In reality, it only appeared as though Moshe lifted them for they rose by themselves supernaturally.
It is interesting that what seemed to be the hardest part of the building of the Mishkan was in reality the easiest. What is the Torah trying to teach us?
The Dubna Magid brings a few pesukim that are seemingly contradictory. One posuk says, זאת התורה אדם כי ימות באהל , this is the Torah of one who dies in a tent, from which Chazal learn that the Torah only remains with someone who kills himself over it; it’s acquired by one who works really hard to acquire it. Then, we have another posuk that says כי קרוב אליך הדבר מאד בפיך ובלבבך לעשותו , because it, the Torah, is very close to your heart to do it, inferring that it’s very easy to do. Which is it? Is it easy or hard to keep the Torah?
The Midrash, referring to Moshe, says עוז והדר לבושה strength & majesty are her garment. Also, ותשחק ליום אחרון , she joyfully awaits the last day which is talking about the scoffers who disbelieved that Moshe would be able to lift the Mishkan. Moshe didn't respond to them at that time but when Hashem told him to lift the Mishkan & he did, then ותשחק ליום אחרון , he laughed on the last day.
That is how the Tzadikkim live, always thinking about the last day without caring what people say about them. This was the hardest part of building the Mishkan for it’s natural for a person to become flustered when one’s in a tough spot. The Mishkan was completed on the 25th day of Kislaiv yet wasn't erected until the first day of Nissan. All the Jews were waiting for the Shechina to rest on their handiwork. So, for four months the scoffers were able to say that Moshe couldn't do it & the Shechina would never rest on the Jewish people. However, Moshe wasn't fazed because he knew that, at the appropriate time, he would be told to erect the Mishkan.
The Chafetz Chaim compared this world to a wealthy man who was going to make a wedding for his daughter. He felt that he had to invite the entire town yet didn't feel it would be comfortable for the rich & respected people to be invited along with the poor & uncouth. He didn't know what to do until someone advised him to schedule a mock wedding the day before the actual wedding to which he could invite all the poor & uncouth. The next night he should invite the wealthy & respected people to the real wedding.
When the poor & uncouth arrived at the wedding, they were astounded to see that the rich man hadn’t invited any of the other rich people or any of the dignitaries. They were so excited that they were the ones that mattered; they sat, ate, drank and enjoyed themselves immensely & went home happy.
The next day, hearing music & noise coming from the rich man’s house, the poor people went to see what was going on. They saw the most elaborate setting, tables set with gold & silver utensils, delicacies they’d never seen, waiters tending to the guests’ every whim. All the wealthy & honorable people were sitting around the tables. Immediately they realized their mistake. Yesterday, they thought that they were the ones who got the wealth but today they realized it was all just an illusion; the real wealth was reserved for those that deserved it.
This is how we have to live. We have to know that, even if it seems that people who don't do the right thing have it made, it’s just an illusion & at the end of the day it’s only the ones that keep Hashem’s word who are going to have the ultimate reward.
Maybe this could resolve the contradiction in the pesukim. The Posuk that states you have to kill yourself to get Torah is talking about the transient times when we have to dodge the words & insults of the scoffers. Once we get past that to the last day, we'll see how easy it is to keep the word of Hashem. The Torah is teaching us not to let the words of scoffers affect us; look past that illusory world to the end of days where we & everyone will see the truth!